UTRU — Not the Riders Union We Need

Urbanism is back in the mainstream. Cranes litter the skyline, cities are redesigning their flags, and those the previous generation would have derided as “yuppies” have rallied behind urban capitalists. In the midst of heated debates over metropolitan growth along the Wasatch Front, a handful of political staffers and upper-middle-class professionals came together to formContinue reading “UTRU — Not the Riders Union We Need”

Vacant Luxury – What the Economic Development Engine Wrought along the S-Line

“[The S-Line is] primarily an economic development engine and secondarily, a transportation mode.” University of Utah Professor Reid Ewing for the Salt Lake Tribune Trains are cool and streetcars are no exception. Walking along Parleys trail is absolutely lovely and seeing the S-Line glide by is pure bliss. But the S-Line wasn’t built for meContinue reading “Vacant Luxury – What the Economic Development Engine Wrought along the S-Line”

Capital-Oriented Development

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is all the rage, seemingly the perfect solution to our current housing and climate crises. Dense, often mixed use, development close to public transit brings urban living to suburban neighborhoods and encourages transit-use over car-use, what more could you ask for? In fact, even the Utah State Legislature is so taken withContinue reading “Capital-Oriented Development”